Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Confession Webseries

This is a short explanations of this new form of media called the webseries! Also I will provide a quick review of the new CBS webseries called "The Confession". Enjoy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Profile the Profilers

These are the profiles of the BAU’s agents (Behavior Analysis Unit) of the TV show “Criminal Minds”. We always hear them making profiles of serial killers, rapist, pedophiles and murderers but we never get to hear their own profiles. Now here you got a short profile of each.

Aaron Hotchner: He was the son of an abusive father. In season one, episode eight he was talking to a serial killers and he told him “Some people in that (abusive) environment grow up to be killers” when the killer asked why only “some”, Hotchner responded “Some people grow up to catch them.” Before joining the FBI he was a prosecutor, but he decided that he wanted to do something about the killings before they occurred that is why he joined the BAU. He is one of the oldest on the team and he is the leader of the BAU. His wife was murdered by the “Boston Ripper” a serial killer who took matters very personal with Hotchner after he refused to accept his deal to stop hunting him. However, he managed to save his son Jack.

David Rossi: He was first on the Marine Corps and was hired by the FBI after he was deployed. He was one of the founders of the BAU but then left and retired. On his free time he wrote a lot of books about “the job”. He came back to the FBI to replace Jason Gideon on the 3rd season. In comparison with Gideon and Hotchner he is more extrovert, he is kind of a playboy and he had been married three times and is currently single. He also plays videogames such as Grand Theft Auto and Rock-Band. However, he managed to be much disciplined and takes the job very seriously.

Derek Morgan: His father died on the line of duty as a cop when Derek was very young. He had a tough childhood living on a dangerous neighborhood in Chicago. He was involved on a gang fight and had a juvenile record. Carl Buford picked him out of the streets and introduced Morgan to his youth center. He once found a child’s body dumped on the street and nobody claimed the body, so he went door to door to collect money for this kid’s headstone. This event had a profound impact on him. Buford taught Morgan how to play football and then he earned a scholarship on Northwestern University. Buford helped him with his football and erased his juvenile record but also he was sexually abusing Morgan. All of these experiences led Derek Morgan to become an FBI agent. He wanted to honor his father and bring down guys like Buford.

Emily Prentiss: She is the daughter of an US. Ambassador so in her childhood she did a lot of travelling. She is very good with languages; she speaks fluently Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian, Russian, and Greek. Before she joined the FBI she worked for the Interpol until she had to leave Interpol after her cover was blown in a very dangerous under cover case. She joined the BAU on the 2nd season and she adapted very quickly gaining everybody’s trust, especially with Derek Morgan and David Rossi.

Jennifer Jereau: She grew in a normal family in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, she was very athletic and good at sports, and she was the captain of her varsity soccer team. Her sister committed suicide but she was very young to understand it all. Her sister gave her a necklace that she always carries around and claims that it gives her strength in difficult moments. She joined the FBI after attending a book reading of the BAU founder and Unit Chief at the time David Rossi. She is married to Detective William LaMontagne and has a son called Henry. She met Will working a case in New Orleans.

Penelope Garcia: Her personality is different from everybody else’s. She is funny and innocent, she cannot see the picture of “death” on her screen and she dresses in a very extravagant way. She lost her parents at the age of 18 in a car accident. Ever since, she volunteers to help counsel the families of murder victims. She is the best computer analyst of the FBI. However, before joining the BAU she was on the FBI’s most wanted hacker list. Rumors say that she is on the CIA most wanted hacker list after she tried to find the truth behind Princess Diana’s death. The FBI realized that she could be very dangerous or useful so they decided to recruit her.

Dr. Spencer Reid: He is the youngest of the team with 25 years old, however he has 3 PhDs. He graduated from high school at the age of 12 which makes him a genius. Reid has an eidetic memory, this means he remembers everything he sees or hear. His colleagues always refer to him as Dr. Reid because they are afraid that because of his age people won't take him seriously as an FBI agent. He is a very important asset for the BAU and always a key piece to resolve a mystery. Reid was born in Las Vegas and he is really good at poker. His father left the house when he was very young and his mother is hospitalized because she has schizophrenia.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

CSI: Miami Cancelled!

Lt. Horatio Cane took off his famous sunglasses for the last time on April this year because CSI Miami was cancelled by CBS. The TV show that once was the most watched in the world now is being cut short due to low ratings. The show made its first appearance on 2002 and continues to feed audiences with the same sun-and-sand sadism that “Miami Vice” used to provide the previous years. CSI Miami aired 10 seasons and each season actors, director, producers and crew were expecting a raise, however, the ratings couldn’t keep up with it. In its beginning the show had 20 million viewers, but at the end this numbered dropped by half.

In my opinion CSI Miami wasn’t the best cop show today. It will never be as good as the original CSI Las Vegas, however, it is better that CSI NY. In fact the ratings for CSI Miami are higher than the ratings from CSI NY (10.8 million against 10.4 million). I don’t know why CBS chose to cancel CSI Miami instead of CSI NY. I guess that CSI Miami’s budget was a lot higher.

The show didn’t even had the decency to provide the audience the great finale that the show deserved. It ended with the whole team gathered in some bar remembering all their old cases, the toughest, and the worst criminals. In my opinion it was very lame.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who is Red John?

TV Show: The Mentalist

Red John is the serial killer who killed Patrick Jane’s wife and child. He then joined the CBI as a consultant in order to catch Red John and be able to avenge his family. Red John has a network of people that help him in every way; these people even die to protect him so we know he is good at manipulating people. We can even say that he is a Mentalist just like Patrick Jane.

We still haven’t seen his face or know his name and that is what makes this TV show exciting. However, we did hear his voice and have a physical description provided by his former blind lover Rosalind. I have list of suspects that could be Red John in my opinion.

Kristina Frye: It is an interesting theory. We know she has the intelligence to pull something like Red John. She claims to be a “psychic” just like Patrick was before joining the CBI but we know that psychics don’t exists as Patrick stated a lot throughout the show. He says it is all a scam and that makes her a Mentalist just like him. However, she is now in a catatonic state and doesn’t speak and Red John had killed since then. Also she is a woman so she definitely doesn’t match Rosalind’s description. There is still a possibility she is fooling us with her catatonic state and manipulating members on RJ’s network to do the killings but I think it is a long shot.

Brett Styles: He is the leader of the cult “Visualize” and he is kind of a God to his followers. This could explain RJ’s network. He definitely has the brains to be RJ however my gut tells me that he is not. I believe he has a connection to RJ and maybe even know who it is. RJ could be a former member of the cult or maybe he is giving Brett Styles orders. However, we know he knows more than what he is sharing and RJ’s network certainly has to come from Visualize. Only that would explain why so many people are so dedicated to his cause and even die for him.

CSI Brett Patridge: He matches Rosalind’s description of Red John, average height, short, straight hair, neither strong nor weak. But what is most shocking about this character is that his high pitched voice is very similar to RJ’s. He works with the police so that might explain why he never leaves evidence, how he manages to spy on Patrick and his team and how he always gets away. However, he doesn’t seem a very intelligent dude. I can’t picture him having a lot of subordinates. If he isn’t RJ there’s a chance he could be in his network. He looks very suspicious but maybe that’s what Bruno Heller wants us to think.

Patrick Jane: Patrick could be suffering of double personality disorder. We see dark tendencies in Patrick’s personality not very typical of a hero. Red John may be Patrick’s alter ego. This would be breathe-taking for the audience. This theory could explain why we never saw RJ or why he is never caught. Patrick has a brilliant mind and he knows how to manipulate people even hypnotize them so he could easily have many subordinates that would die for him. What rules out this theory is that they appear face to face in the end of season 2. RJ was wearing a mask we couldn’t see his face but he could have been an accomplice. There is also the fact that his wife and daughter were killed while he was on TV.

Red John: He can also be someone we don’t know or never seen before. He could be a random serial killer who happens to see Patrick Jane as his equal or “symmetry”. However, my gut tells me that we have already seen Red John but we didn’t realize it yet. RJ is so obsessed with Patrick and so narcissistic that I know he had to get close to him and I dare to say that he already approach him and even talked to him.

Next I will embed a video comparing CSI Brett Patridge’s voice with Red John’s voice

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Hi everybody and welcome to Freeze! My name is Diego Morales, I’m 20 years old and I’m a student at Washburn University. I’m a huge fan of Cops-Crime tv shows and that is why this corner of the world wide web is dedicated to it.

I will be providing reviews of the old and new Cop series such as CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Law and Order and many more. On “Freeze!” you will also be updated with news about the series, cast and possible new shows.

Feel free to discuss when I write about my personal theories about what is going to happen on on-going shows. I love to analyze what is going on and make an educated guess of what is going to happen. Sometimes my theories are correct but other times I’m proven wrong (most of the time).

Don’t hesitate to comment! I will use your comments as feedback in order to improve my blog! Enjoy!