Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who is Red John?

TV Show: The Mentalist

Red John is the serial killer who killed Patrick Jane’s wife and child. He then joined the CBI as a consultant in order to catch Red John and be able to avenge his family. Red John has a network of people that help him in every way; these people even die to protect him so we know he is good at manipulating people. We can even say that he is a Mentalist just like Patrick Jane.

We still haven’t seen his face or know his name and that is what makes this TV show exciting. However, we did hear his voice and have a physical description provided by his former blind lover Rosalind. I have list of suspects that could be Red John in my opinion.

Kristina Frye: It is an interesting theory. We know she has the intelligence to pull something like Red John. She claims to be a “psychic” just like Patrick was before joining the CBI but we know that psychics don’t exists as Patrick stated a lot throughout the show. He says it is all a scam and that makes her a Mentalist just like him. However, she is now in a catatonic state and doesn’t speak and Red John had killed since then. Also she is a woman so she definitely doesn’t match Rosalind’s description. There is still a possibility she is fooling us with her catatonic state and manipulating members on RJ’s network to do the killings but I think it is a long shot.

Brett Styles: He is the leader of the cult “Visualize” and he is kind of a God to his followers. This could explain RJ’s network. He definitely has the brains to be RJ however my gut tells me that he is not. I believe he has a connection to RJ and maybe even know who it is. RJ could be a former member of the cult or maybe he is giving Brett Styles orders. However, we know he knows more than what he is sharing and RJ’s network certainly has to come from Visualize. Only that would explain why so many people are so dedicated to his cause and even die for him.

CSI Brett Patridge: He matches Rosalind’s description of Red John, average height, short, straight hair, neither strong nor weak. But what is most shocking about this character is that his high pitched voice is very similar to RJ’s. He works with the police so that might explain why he never leaves evidence, how he manages to spy on Patrick and his team and how he always gets away. However, he doesn’t seem a very intelligent dude. I can’t picture him having a lot of subordinates. If he isn’t RJ there’s a chance he could be in his network. He looks very suspicious but maybe that’s what Bruno Heller wants us to think.

Patrick Jane: Patrick could be suffering of double personality disorder. We see dark tendencies in Patrick’s personality not very typical of a hero. Red John may be Patrick’s alter ego. This would be breathe-taking for the audience. This theory could explain why we never saw RJ or why he is never caught. Patrick has a brilliant mind and he knows how to manipulate people even hypnotize them so he could easily have many subordinates that would die for him. What rules out this theory is that they appear face to face in the end of season 2. RJ was wearing a mask we couldn’t see his face but he could have been an accomplice. There is also the fact that his wife and daughter were killed while he was on TV.

Red John: He can also be someone we don’t know or never seen before. He could be a random serial killer who happens to see Patrick Jane as his equal or “symmetry”. However, my gut tells me that we have already seen Red John but we didn’t realize it yet. RJ is so obsessed with Patrick and so narcissistic that I know he had to get close to him and I dare to say that he already approach him and even talked to him.

Next I will embed a video comparing CSI Brett Patridge’s voice with Red John’s voice

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Diego, this is Jeff Boyer from your Bootcamp class. Like the catlady, I like the design of your site. The graphics mesh well with your theme, and white text on black background always looks classic.

    So far the content is pretty compelling. I'm not familiar with the show so a brief synopsis of The Mentalist as a series would be helpful to readers unfamiliar with the show. Unless you see your audience as already familiar with the show, in which case, don't bother. The only other thing I see right now that would improve the posts you have is to embed the YouTube clip closer to the discussion of the character instead of just dropping it in at the end.

    I look forward to reading more!
